Pipes, manholes and cables: infrastructural lives

I am fascinated by pipes, radiators and cables and lives with them. In my research I uncover material side of the intersection between the futures, the state and the market by looking at how people encounter and use them, whether they are mining infrastructures, or urban infrastructural provisions, such as electricity and central heating. I focus on social disputes in the former Yugoslav region around provision of urban infrastructures and explore access to citizenship through pipes, taps and valves within the context of social inequalities and deindustrialization.
I explored transformation of district heating in two industrial towns in Croatia and Serbia. The article which stems out from this research will be published in an edited volume Post-Socialist Urban Infrastructures, edited by Tauri Tuvikene, Wladimir Sgibnev and Carola S. Neugebauer (Routledge’s Planning and Urban Design book series).
With my colleague Maria Salaru (UCL) I am preparing an edited volume entitled Infrastructural Makeshifts, a product of a fruitful panel at the EASA 2022.