Publikacije na srpskom jeziku

  • 2022. „Гуљење инфраструктуре и „рециклажа” скинутог бакра: производња државе у индустријском граду у Србији“, Бележница 43, 27 46 (превела Др Виолета Стојменовић)
  • 2013. Bor Forward >> Zamišljanje Budućnosti [Bor Forward >> Imagining the Future]. Bor: National Library of Bor.
  • 2011. “On Gender, Subjectivities and Experiences: Facing the Past and Feminist Politics of Solidarity”, Philosophy and Society 22(1): 219–243.
  • 2011. “Social Welfare, Population Politics and Bioethics of Care – Analysis of Media Representation”, in Drezgić, R. Radinković Ž, and Krstić, P. (eds.) The Horizon of Bioethics: Morality in Times of Assisted Reproductive Technology. Beograd: Službeni glasnik, pp. 87-105.
  • 2008. “Identity for Sale – Construction of National Identity for the Needs of Tourism”, The Journal of the Institute of Ethnography of Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, 56(1): 101-115.
  • 2005. “New Masculinities in Serbia – Analysis of Identity Construction on the Example of Men’s World Magazine’”, The Post 1: 40-51.