Toxic futures

Toxic futures

My work explores everyday future-making and navigations of risks in the context of environmental struggles. I research effects of industrial pollution and the ways in which people live with risks produced by industrial facilities.

In contrast to studies of citizenship and risk which mostly focus on aspects and practices of avoiding or mitigating risks, my work shows how citizenship in industrial environments comprises of embracing, approving and maintaining risks from industrial pollution.

2018.  “Prosperous Pollutants: Bargaining with Risks and Forging Hopes in an Industrial Town in Serbia”, Ethnos: Journal of Anthropology 83(3): 489-504,

 Transforming sustainable urban futures in polluted industrial cities in the Netherlands

I am PI of an interdisciplinary platform   funded by Utrecht University Seed-money project provided by Utrecht University Transforming Cities – Pathways to Sustainability, which is facilitating collaboration between the researchers and the societal actors who live in polluted industrial cities in the IJmond  region in the  North-West coastal area of the Netherlands. The goal is to explore the obstacles and create possibilities for sustainable urban transformations in such and similar urban environments. For more information here.